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'Use It Or Lose It' Bill Passed By Senate

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Earlier this week the Texas Senate passed the "use it or lose it" voter bill which has the potential to remove registered voters from roll if they don't remain an active voter. 

The bill has been controversial due to the possible disproportionate effect on minorities or low income households. 

The Texas bill explains that if a voter skips two consecutive federal elections, along with local or state elections between them, they must confirm that they still live at the same residence. If a voter fails to confirm, they would be added to a list that suspends them from voting. 

While the bill faces accusations of racism and disenfranchisement, Senator Lois Kolkhorst, the bill's author, assures that the bill is only a measure to determine if a voter has relocated. If a voter does not respond, the county election office will recognize it as proof that the voter does not reside at that address. 

This bill is not the only election focused legislation filed this session. There are accompanying efforts to increase the penalty for voter fraud and end countywide voting locations on election day.

What do you think of this bill? Let us know! You can find our survey here or by clicking the button above! 

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